The idea behind Charity Week is work together and help make a difference to people’s lives. Charity Week started in 2004 as collaboration between Islamic Relief, ULU ISOC and over 15 University Islamic Societies in the South East. Since then, it has reached out to the Midlands, North, Scotland and Wales regions.
Charity Week is a student run initiative that encourages individuals to sacrifice a bit of their time and direct their skills and talents to a great cause. Its success is entirely dependant on the commitment shown by students and the end result is a reflection on Muslim students in the UK.
University life can impose significant stress on students with exams and coursework deadlines but is also an incredible opportunity to experience and do many new things - use your time and talent to make a difference, providing the perfect opportunity to gain valuable experience in fundraising, Charity Week is also an excellent example of the Muslim student community uniting and co-operating to help those less fortunate.
From Monday, 26 October 2009 To Sunday, 01 November 2009

extract taken from: FOSIS Wales
Charity Week is one week in the year, where Islamic societies, colleges, schools, community associations and businesses from across the country come together to raise crazy amounts of money for orphans and needy children around the world!
“And they feed for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan and the captive. We feed you for the sake of Allah alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks” (Surah Al-Insaan:8)
The value and reward of charity is immense in Islam and there are countless Qur’anic ayahs and Hadith which commend acts of charity and explain how it should be an integral part of our lives. One such example is that which can be found in Surah al-Hadeed: 18 which states:
"Indeed the men who give Sadaqah (voluntary charity) and the women who give Sadaqah (all of them) are lending a goodly loan to Allah; the return for them will be increased; and for them shall be an exquisite reward."
Charity week came to Wales two years ago where several universities and schools united for a great cause to raise money for orphans around the world, through street collections, campus collections, henna stalls, food stalls and much more. This year, we are aiming to do the same and need all the help possible....
One Week. One Cause. ALL the Difference
Do get involve! May Allah rewards us..InsyaAllah
Charity Week 2008 Wales video:
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